RESTAURANT KARIM @ Eastlake , Kampar

Famous and well known places for Utarian - Mamak Stall. 

b. Its classification of e-commerce by the nature of the transactions or interactions.

Restaurant Karim does not selling their products over the internet there for Business-to-Consumer e-commerce is not applicable in this case. What if they involve their business in e-commerce by selling their products over the internet, then they can be classified as business-to-consumer e-commerce as they are able to sell their products directly to the consumers or consumers can find their products directly from their website (Turban et al., 2012). 

On the other hand, they might deal with business-to-business e-commerce when getting materials or merchandises from supplier (Turban et al., 2012). This channel is from on business selling goods to a customer whose using the goods as materials to produce their own products and sell it to consumers

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